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A Beautiful Story

DSF has has been honored over the years to have the friendship and support of some remarkable writers and artists. Our post today is about a recent article in the Northern Woodlands magazine titled 'Rivers Connected'. The article features a stunning wildlife painting by Mark McCollough , who has had an amazing career as an endangered species biologist with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS), and is also a very well-known writer and artist.

In a USFWS 'Field Notes' article, they note that 'A unique aspect to McCollough’s accomplishments is his recognition as a wildlife artist. Wildlife art has been a passion of McCollough’s for most of his life, which is evidenced his extensive body of artwork, including illustrated books and a collection of paintings. In fact, many Maine residents own a piece of his artwork which is proudly displayed on two different state license plates, one adorning a chickadee and the other a loon.'

The Northern Woodland article describes Mark's painting - 'Migratory fish once again return in the millions and naturally free-flowing stretches of river have replaced the slow-moving, warmer waters of the dam impoundments. Mark McCollough’s painting offers an autumnal view of what we know is happening in these forested waterways – but can’t really see – as scientists monitor recovery of these fisheries. Here, a waterway comes back to life with Atlantic salmon parr, river herring, and other migratory and freshwater fish; rebounding insect diversity and abundance; and a cascade of predator-prey relationships restored. Fallen woody debris from the riverbanks helps create deep pools with cooler water and provides cover from birds of prey and other predators.'

You can see the remarkable painting and its story here:

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