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Here's how to help the Atlantic salmon avoid extinction

The Atlantic salmon run used to be majestic. Today the species is on the brink of extinction. One hatchery in Maine is giving the species in the US hope.

Source: CNN

In January 2021 a CNN film crew visited Downeast Maine and the Downeast Salmon Federation's Peter Gray Hatchery program and its river habitats. Working with filmmakers in the U.K., they produced a mini-documentary for CNN's 'Call to Earth' series.

DSF Executive Director Dwayne Shaw was interviewed in the film, which made the connection with the Peter Gray Hatchery program and the support DSF received from Peter Gray, former hatchery manager at the Kielder Hatchery, and a noted wild Atlantic salmon recovery expert. Under his guidance, the River Tyne in the U.K. saw a remarkable increase in the population of salmon compared to its near extinction previously. His methods contributed to one of the largest wild Atlantic salmon recoveries in history.

According to Shaw, Gray's methods treated the salmon 'more like a wild fish and less like a farmed creature'. The Peter Gray Hatchery is beginning to have similar results. You can see the film here:

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